Quantum Physics and Spirituality Books
My Journey
Quantum physics and spirituality books became my guide when I was in college, I experienced a fairly nasty stint with anxiety and depression. This led me to seek out the wisdom of the ancient Eastern philosophies and religions (like Hinduism, Hermeticism, Taoism, and Zen) as well as the different philosophies of ancient Greece.
I was a Biochemistry and Chemistry major at the time. I could not help but compare the teachings I found in these works to what I was learning in school: there did appear to be an unfathomable underlying Intelligence behind the actions, reactions, and interactions of the chemicals in my test tubes and the biochemicals in all life forms. In short, spiritual thought and science began to merge within my mind.
Ultimately, this led me to the study of Quantum Mechanics. What I discovered blew my mind. The underlying reality portrayed by both science and ancient spiritual thought was extremely similar.
For example, Quantum Mechanics, like the ancient spiritual practices, says that beneath the superficial experience of existence everything is One. Quantum Mechanics calls this "entanglement". Beneath the surface, at the subatomic level, everything is interrelated or “entangled”.
Recently, science was able to prove this; they gained the ability to view "entanglement" between two subatomic particles. The result was an exact image of the Yin Yang symbol of ancient Chinese Taoism. (See the pics and links below.)
https://www.livescience.com/physics-mathematics/quantum-physics/quantum-yin-yang-shows-two-photons-being-entangled-in-real-time and https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-visualize-quantum-yin-yang-in-entangled-light-experiment
How did the ancient Chinese know, without scientific equipment, that the Yin Yang symbol depicted the underlying interconnectedness of life?
Many other examples, and from other ancient religious references, abound as well.
In any event, as I began to understand this new worldview (new to me at least), my anxiety and depression began to abate ... I found a newfound interest in life and a much better approach to living it.
All of this did not happen overnight. Both Quantum Mechanics and the philosophies and religions of old were difficult to understand; one must be acquainted with the terms used in science and the underlying tenets of Eastern philosophy in order to comprehend their concepts. Further, as the concepts found within these works presented a much different worldview than the one I was accustomed to, I found them difficult to accept.
Over time, and with certain experiences, I began to understand what was being taught.
Later, I met several individuals who had negative experiences with Western religion that affected them deeply. I pointed them to the works that had helped me, but they found these works difficult to understand. I began “walking” them through the basics of each work, writing out simplified versions of the texts in the process.
Eventually I was asked to speak to a “Religious Recovery” group. Seeing how many people appeared to benefit from what I had learned I began publishing my interpretations, which brings us to the present.
If my journey resonates with you, perhaps my works will be of aid.